ExSim-Max practice exams are written in-house by Boson’s subject matter experts and are designed to simulate the complete exam experience, including topics covered, question types, question difficulty and time allowed. These Boson ExSim-Max practice CCNA exams are widely regarded as the highest-quality exam simulations in the industry. The ExSim-Max team consists of highly trained authors, including those who originally helped launch the IT certification practice exam industry in the early 1990s. This team of authors has the most experience and know-how when it comes to writing practice exams.
ExSim-Max for Cisco 200-120 is Boson’s practice exam for the Cisco CCNA® Routing and Switching certification exam. This Boson CCNA practice test simulation, also known as practice exam, software covers the concepts you need to know to pass the 200-120 CCNA exam.
ExSim-Max for Cisco 200-120 includes well-written, technically accurate questions and answers, which compose seven unique, full-length practice exams. This product is written and edited entirely by Boson’s subject matter experts, and delivered by our exam delivery system, the Boson Exam Environment (BEE). The ExSim-Max for Cisco 200-120 exams simulate the difficulty and variety of question types on the real exam so closely that, if you can pass our CCNA practice exams, you will know that you are ready for the real exam.
Pass the 200-120 CCNA Exam with ExSim-Max
- Simulates the level of difficulty, question types and item distribution
- Contains well-written questions by subject matter experts
- Includes comprehensive explanations with detailed references
- Provides score reports to focus your study time
- Gives you the tools you need to pass the exam
200-120 CCNA Exam Topics
- Operation of IP Data Networks
- LAN Switching Technologies
- IP addressing (IPv4 / IPv6)
- IP Routing Technologies
- IP Services
- Network Device Security
- Troubleshooting
- WAN Technologies