AI Adoption Workshop for End Users (AI-AIEU)

This blended learning program will provide an in-depth overview of Generative AI for all employees within the company that will be using company provided generative AI tools like Copilot. The program includes:

Champions program: 

  • This 4-day instructor led workshop for selected champions within the business to create internal experts who can support fellow employees with mentoring. 
  • Monthly Webinar Series: Recorded series of webinars from 15min to 30 minutes in duration on Generative AI topics. 
  • Monthly Office hours: Planned one hour session per month with our lead AI SME for internal champions to come and seek mentoring. 
  • Onadoc

Self-Paced learning for Copilot:

  • One-year subscription to an interactive light learning management platform that can be embedded into Teams or accesses via a secure browser. We can assign learning and target completion dates by learner and provide robust reporting back to management. 

Course Information

Price: $2,495.00
Duration: 4 days
Learning Credits:
Continuing Education Credits:
Course Delivery Options

Check out our full list of training locations and learning formats. Please note that the location you choose may be an Established HD-ILT location with a virtual live instructor.

Train face-to-face with the live instructor.

Access to on-demand training content anytime, anywhere.

Attend the live class from the comfort of your home or office.

Interact with a live, remote instructor from a specialized, HD-equipped classroom near you. An SLI sales rep will confirm location availability prior to registration confirmation.

All Sunset Learning dates are guaranteed to run!




Target Audience:

  • This program is for anyone in your company who will use Generative AI.


Course Objectives:

Introduce champions to generative AI and by the end of the workshop they will know how to build effective prompts and how Copilot works with Microsoft Productivity tools. 

  • Introduction to AI
  • Prompt Engineering 
  • Copilot for Microsoft Productivity Tools


Course Outline:

Overview of Generative AI:

  • Introduction to Generative AI
    • What is Generative AI?
    • Everyday Applications and Examples
    • Benefits and Limitations
  • Core Concepts of AI
    • Basics of Machine Learning and Deep Learning
    • Understanding NLP and Computer Vision
    • Data Privacy and Security
  • Ethics and Responsible Use
    • Ethical Use of AI
    • Recognizing and Avoiding Bias
    • Privacy Concerns and Data Protection
  • Tools and Platforms
    • Overview of User-Friendly AI Tools
    • Hands-On Tutorials and Demos
    • Selecting the Right Tool for Your Needs
  • Practical Applications
    • AI in Daily Tasks (e.g., Writing, Image Generation)
    • Enhancing Productivity with AI
    • Real-World Case Studies
  • Continuous Learning and Development
    • Resources for Further Learning
    • Communities and Support Networks
    • Staying Updated with AI Trends

Prompt Engineering Course for End Users

  • Introduction to Prompt Engineering
    • What is Prompt Engineering?
    • Why is it Important?
    • Real-World Applications
    • Basics of Crafting Prompts
    • Understanding Prompts
    • Types of Prompts
    • Best Practices
  • Advanced Prompt Techniques
    • Iterative Refinement
    • Contextual Prompts
    • Multi-Step Prompts
    • Common Pitfalls and How to Avoid Them
  • Hands-On Exercises
    • Crafting Effective Prompts
    • Testing and Validation
    • Real-World Scenarios
    • Tools and Resources
    • AI Tools for Prompt Engineering

Copilot Modules for Microsoft Tools

  • Copilot for Excel
    • Introduction to Copilot in Excel
    • Data Analysis and Visualization
    • Automating Tasks
    • Advanced Functions
  • Copilot for Word
    • Introduction to Copilot in Word
    • Content Creation
    • Editing and Proofreading
    • Collaboration
  • Copilot for PowerPoint
    • Introduction to Copilot in PowerPoint
    • Design and Layout
    • Content Generation
    • Presentation Enhancements
  • Copilot for Outlook
    • Introduction to Copilot in Outlook
    • Email Management
    • Calendar and Scheduling
    • Productivity Tips


Free Microsoft
Copilot Classes

Copilot Foundations (AI-3018)
November 12 | 10:00am EST

Empower Your Workforce with Copilot for Microsoft 365 (MS-4004)
November 13 | 10:00am EST

Craft Effective Prompts for Microsoft Copilot for Microsoft 365 (MS-4005)
November 14 | 10:00am EST

Microsoft Copilot for Security (SC-5006)
November 15 | 10:00am EST