Implement Retention, eDiscovery, & Communication Compliance in MS Purview (SC-5007)

Manage data lifecycle, records management, eDiscovery, and communication compliance with Microsoft Purview.

Course Information

Price: $675.00
Duration: 1 day
Learning Credits:
Course Delivery Options

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  • Basic understanding of data governance and compliance concepts.
  • Familiarity with Microsoft Purview and its interface.
  • Knowledge of data lifecycle management principles.
  • Experience with eDiscovery processes.
  • Awareness of communication compliance requirements


Target Audience:


Course Objectives:


Course Outline:

Manage the data lifecycle in Microsoft Purview

  • Data Lifecycle Management overview
  • Configure retention policies
  • Configure retention labels
  • Configure manual retention label policies
  • Configure auto-apply retention label policies
  • Import data for Data Lifecycle Management
  • Manage, monitor, and remediate Data Lifecycle Management
  • Summary and knowledge check

Manage records in Microsoft Purview

  • Introduction
  • Records management overview
  • Import a file plan
  • Configure retention labels
  • Configure event driven retention
  • Manage, monitor, and remediate records
  • Summary and knowledge check

Manage Microsoft Purview eDiscovery (Premium)

  • Introduction
  • Explore Microsoft Purview eDiscovery (Premium)
  • Implement Microsoft Purview eDiscovery (Premium)
  • Create and manage an eDiscovery (Premium) case
  • Manage custodians and non-custodial data sources
  • Analyze case content
  • Knowledge check
  • Summary

Prepare Microsoft Purview Communication Compliance

  • Introduction to communication compliance
  • Plan for communication compliance
  • Identify and resolve communication compliance workflow
  • Introduction to communication compliance policies
  • Knowledge check
  • Case study–Configure an offensive language policy
  • Investigate and remediate communication compliance alerts
  • Summary and knowledge check