Microsoft Cloud for Sustainability (IC-002T00)

As a result of attending this course, the learner should be able to understand the sustainability concepts and how the business thinks of tracking and reporting emissions, describe Microsoft Cloud for Sustainability customer scenarios, and configure the features of Microsoft Sustainability Manage.

Course Information

Price: $1,495.00
Duration: 2 days
Continuing Education Credits:
Learning Credits:
Course Delivery Options

Check out our full list of training locations and learning formats. Please note that the location you choose may be an Established HD-ILT location with a virtual live instructor.

Train face-to-face with the live instructor.

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Attend the live class from the comfort of your home or office.

Interact with a live, remote instructor from a specialized, HD-equipped classroom near you. An SLI sales rep will confirm location availability prior to registration confirmation.

All Sunset Learning dates are guaranteed to run!




Target Audience:

This course is designed for individuals willing to learn about Microsoft Cloud for Sustainability. It is targeting and will be most beneficial to the following two roles: cloud specialist and sustainability industry technologist.

Job role: Administrator, Business Analyst, Business User, Data Analyst, Data Engineer, Data Scientist, Developer, DevOps Engineer, Functional Consultant, Solution Architect, Technology Manager


Course Objectives:

Learn to:

  • Set up your training environment
  • Microsoft Cloud for Sustainability overview
  • Microsoft Sustainability Manager concepts


Course Outline:

Module 1: Set up your training environment

  • Discuss Microsoft Solution Center
  • Set up a new Microsoft Office E5 trial tenant.
  • Set up a new Microsoft Cloud for Sustainability trial instance.

Module 2: Microsoft Cloud for Sustainability overview

  • Discover key sustainability concepts.
  • Learn about Microsoft’s sustainability journey.
  • Explore the core capabilities of Microsoft Cloud for Sustainability.

Module 3: Microsoft Sustainability Manager concepts

  • Learn about the different solution focus areas.
  • Learn about the concepts to set up organization and reference data.
  • Discover how to import data using different data ingestion methods.
  • Build a calculation model and profile.
  • Learn about the concepts of a model, library, and profile and how they interact with each other.
  • Generate quantitative reports to extract emission and activity data.
  • Review out-of-the-box analytics data.
  • Explore how to monitor progress using scorecards and goals.