Python Basics (Python 101)
Python is an interpreted, object oriented, high level language that empowers you to automate your work so it can be completed predictably and accurately. This freely available language is installed on all major platforms without a charge. Given Python’s vast libraries, you’ll have a head start programming most tasks.
Be it system admins, network, cloud, or storage engineers, all lessons in our courseware are highly relevant for scripting within the workplace, including; data retrieval and storage from the local system, working with RESTful APIs, and decoding JSON.
Class is a combination of live instructor demo and hands on labs.
Course Information
Price: $2,495.00
Duration: 5 days
Certification: Python Basics certification
Continuing Education Credits:
Learning Credits:
Check out our full list of training locations and learning formats. Please note that the location you choose may be an Established HD-ILT location with a virtual live instructor.
Train face-to-face with the live instructor.
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Interact with a live, remote instructor from a specialized, HD-equipped classroom near you. An SLI sales rep will confirm location availability prior to registration confirmation.
All Sunset Learning dates are guaranteed to run!
- Please Contact Us to request a class date or speak with someone about scheduling options.
Keyboard proficiency
Target Audience:
- This course is an appropriate introduction to students of any background looking to get started with Python
- System Administrators
- Network Administrators and Engineers
- DevOps Engineers
- Management, Directors, VPs
Course Objectives:
- Current Python3 Standard Library
- Popular 3rd party libraries
- Version control with git
- Git integration with popular SCM (GitHub)
- Parsing and building files
- Pull JSON from API queries
- Manipulate Excel and other popular formats with pandas data frames
- Building feature-rich charts and graphs
- Searching with Regular Expressions (regex)
- Best practice techniques
Course Outline:
Introduction to Python
- Installing Python 3.x
- Preparing to write Python
- Preparing to write a Python file (*.py) †Text Editors
- Executing a Python file
- Python Enhancement Proposals (PEPs)
- Python Statements and Control Flow
- Python Interpreter
- Overview of the Standard Library
Version Controlling Code with Git
- Overview of Git
- Git commands
- Set up a GitHub account
- GitHub essentials
- README course requirements
- How to Set up a repo
- Issue a Pull request
- How to use ’Issues’ for peer review
Basics of Programming
- Functions and purpose of main()
- Objects
- Methods
- Built-in Functions
- Arguments
- Controlling standard out
- White spacing basic rules
- String Literal Escape Sequences
- Python Variables
- Naming Conventions & Rules
- Types as Objects
- Sequence Types
- List Iteration
- List Enumeration
- Sequence Assignments
- Mutable vs Immutable Objects
- Assignment Shorthand
Python Basic Variables and Data Types
- Numeric Types
- Operators and Precedence / Arithmetic Expressions
- Integers
- Floating points
String Types
- Generating Strings in Python
- Common String Methods
- Formatting String Output
- Booleans
- Printing and formatting strings
- Scripting with input()
- About raw_input()
Lists & Dictionaries & Tuples
- Lists
- Mixed Lists
- Common List Methods
- Other List Operations
- An overview on and construction of dictionaries
- Keys and Values
- Dictionary Methods
- Tuples
- Python Time Tuples
- Dictionaries vs Lists vs Tuples
- Translating JSON to Pythonic data
If, elif, else
- Relational Operators
- Logical operators
- Comparison Operations
- ’simple’ if Statement
- If else statements
- If elif
- Nested if statement
Looping with ’while’
- While usage
- Count controlled loop
- Event-controlled loop
- Continue
- Break
Looping with ’for’
- The for Loop
- For iteration examples
- Looping across data sets
- Looping across lists of lists
- Looping across lists of dictionaries
Understanding Iterators
- The range() Function
- Taking the range() of len()
- Iterable Objects
- The iter() Function
- Looping with dictionaries
- Looping with lists
Getting Data In and Out of Python
- Opening Files
- Working with Files
- Read data from files
- Controlling Output Location
- Intro to working with APIs
- What is a ’REST’ful API?
- APIs and JSON
Creating Python Functions
- Function Basics
- Defining Functions
- Function Polymorphism
- Argument Defaults
- Lambdas
- What is if name == ’main’
- Local Variables
- Variable Masking
- Preventing Variable Modifications
- Argument Matching Methods
- Basic List Comprehensions
Modules & Packages
- Pip and pip3
- Module Basics
- Packages
- Virtual environments
- Defined modules
- Import modules
- From import statements
- Some useful modules to know
- RESTful APIs and requests
- Dataframes with pandas
- Graphing with matplotlib
Python Scope
- Naming conventions
- Local scope
- Global scope
- Nested scope
Object Oriented Python
- About OOP
- The Class Statements
- Defining a class
- Class Inheritance
- Classes as Objects
- Using Dictionaries
- Understanding self
- Class fields and constructors
- Data structures
- Subclasses (Inheritance)
- Multiple Inheritance
- Static methods
(Optional) Regular Expression
- import re-library
- Writing regular expression
- Searching for data in files
- Using Regular Expression to search data sets
- Searching for data in Wireshark Traces (Python and *.pcaps)
Hands-On Labs
- Welcome to Alta3 Research Labs
- Using vim
- Introduction to VScode
- Python IDEs
- Revision Control with GitHub
- Python 101 – Certification Project (OPTIONAL)
- Installing Python
- Lecture – Python Basics
- Shebang
- Collecting user input()
- Lecture – Lists
- Working with Lists
- List Objects and Methods
- Lists of Lists
- Lecture – Dictionaries
- Python Dictionaries
- Getting dir(obj) help() and pydoc
- Lecture – Python Strings
- String Methods
- Copying Files and Folders
- Moving and Renaming Files and Folders
- Lecture – Conditionals
- Testing with if
- IPv4 Testing with if
- Writing your own if-logic script
- Using while, if, elif, else
- Troubleshooting while, if, elif, else
- Starting to Learn Loops
- Looping with for
- for loops and range()
- Lecture – Reading and Writing to Files
- Parsing Log Files
- Write to Files
- Read from Files
- Archive with zipfile
- Creating Functions
- pip and import
- Exploring Network Interfaces
- Defining Functions
- Scripting Commands with Python
- Error Handling – try except else finally
- Producing Graphs and Charts
- Walking the Directory Tree
- Excel and Intro to Pandas
- Lecture – Converting JSON to Python Data Types
- RESTful APIs and JSON
- requests library – Open APIs
- Searching with Regular Expressions
- Use RegEx to Search Text
- Best Practice and pylint
- Testing with pytest
- Packaging Python Projects
- Running Python Scripts with Crontab
- Creating objects in Python from ’Scratch’
- Class Inheritance
- Using Classes
- Argument Parsing
- Unpacking Arguments
- Automating SMTP and Extended SMTP
- XML Parsing with ElementTree
- Timestamping – import time datetime
- Glossary
- Challenge – list, and dictionaries
- Challenge – for loop