Emerging Technologies Summary 2018

2 Min Read

As 2018 comes to an end, let’s take a minute to appreciate how far some emerging technologies have come this year. Many have developed from infancy to implementation or implementation to maturity. Two technologies that have increased in popularity this year are Blockchain and Databricks.  



 “44% of American respondents view Blockchain as overhyped.” Although this seems like Blockchain is going downhill, some people say otherwise. “77% of companies expect to adopt Blockchain as part of an in production system or process by 2020”. One example is Walmart. As of September of 2019, all Walmart food suppliers are required to implement Blockchain in order to remain a business partner. The purpose is to accurately track food distribution and transparency. With a massive business such as Walmart forcing partners to implement Blockchain, in a few short years, Blockchain could potentially disrupt industries and change the technology culture in the US.


Since Blockchain is still an emerging and developing technology, these statistics are not surprising. As Blockchain immerses itself into the technology culture, attitudes will change. Some of the perceived advantages of Blockchain include a greater speed compared to existing systems, new business models and revenue sources, and greater security.


A major shift that arose this year is that Blockchain is being applied or budgeted for by enterprises, not just researched. This implementation phase of Blockchain is important to every industry. Now that it is being applied, companies need to keep up with the competition by doing the same. However, newer enterprises are more easily able to implement Blockchain than mature businesses. By this time next year, statistics will indicate if Blockchain is truly what it claims to be – a solution to data loss, speed, and security.



As the original creators of Apache Spark, Databricks continues to lead the way to accelerate innovation for customers. Databricks technology offers quick predictions based on data presented. With these goals in mind, Databricks has expanded to include new, innovative aspects to their platform.


Since being founded in 2013, Databricks has become a leader in Apache Spark training. In 2018 alone, Databricks launched MLflow, Databricks Runtime 5.0, RStudio and Databricks Integration, and much more. 43% of respondents from the MuleSoft Benchmark Report 2018 say they intent to invest in machine learning and AI. With this commitment, Databricks is bound to continue to grow into a mature company and technology.


The Future

Looking forward in 2019, we can expect these companies to continue to grow and make their mark in the technology industry. Want to make sure you’re ahead of the game? Check out training courses we have in these technologies!

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