Routing Strategies and Call Flows for Webex Contact Center

By Mike Keutzer | 65 Min Video

In this session, we’ll review several key components required to get an inbound call into the Webex Contact Center including Dialed Numbers, Entry Points, Queues, Routing Strategies, and Call Flows. We’ll review how an activity is used in a flow and distinguish Main Flows from Event Flows.


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Instructor Bio:

webexMike Keutzer has been involved in information systems for almost 30 years. His IT career started in the Marine Corps where he spent 8 years as a computer technician working on radar defense systems. He carried that experience to 20+ years of work in the private sector. After leaving the military Mike spent time working as a technician maintaining computers and printers, managing and supporting Mainframe, AS/400, Novell, UNIX, Mac, and Windows networks –mostly within the world of Contact (Call) Center environments.

In 2019, Mike finished the development of the current (v11) Enterprise Chat & Email course for Cisco, which has a successful following. Plans are underway to upgrade the course to v12. Speaking of CCE v12, Mike was involved in revamping the UCCE courseware content. Six newly updated CCE courses were added to the Cisco repository, all based on Packaged CCE (PCCE).

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