Special Area Types in OSPF

By Russell Hughes | 20 Min Video

We will discuss the ways in which we can use the features in OSPF to scale the routing table and the Link-State Database to minimize the effect of changes in topology. After watching, you will be able to make OSPF more scalable in a large environment.

Key Topics:

  • OSPF Special Area Types – 0:15
  • NSSA and Totally NSSA Areas – 13:09
  • Cost of the Default Route in a Stub Area – 16:22


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The topics in this video are based on content from the course, Implementing Cisco Enterprise Advanced Routing and Services (ENARSI).


Instructor Bio:

OSPFRussell has over 25 years of experience in the field of networking and 20 years as an instructor. He has delivered courses for SLI, formerly CCTI, for fourteen years, specializing in security, content networking, and Voice over IP solutions. Russell started his career in the IT industry as a systems administrator, where he was in charge of daily maintenance of Windows servers, backup solutions, and e-mail. He helped design and build a remote classroom lab solution that allowed CCTI/SLI to deliver Cisco courses anywhere in the world without the need to ship Cisco equipment. Russell currently teaches CCNA and CCNP level courses, with expertise in content networking, IPv6, BGP, and Data Center areas.

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